Josh’s Tips & Tricks: Put Pen to Paper

Golf | 27 September, 2022


Hello golfers,

Unfortunately the season is coming to an end and the weather is changing. The nights are darker, the temperature is colder, it’s wetter and windier and therefore winter is coming. This week is nothing about the golf swing but more about you as a golfer. Reviewing performance and setting goals is crucial for performance and motivation and could be the reason you’re not progressing as you would like to. We are going to take a look at a season review and goals for the winter and next season.

Get A Pen and Paper

I always find a good old fashioned pen and paper works best for reviews and goal setting. I always used to do all my revising for exams by writing and rewriting the information. This way it goes into my brain and I remember it easier. You also always then have a record of it. This doesn’t work for everyone so post it notes or a computer/tablet could do the same thing.

I have made some notes about what I achieved and felt like I did well this year and also made some notes on improvements. These are things that I didn’t do well but instead of using the term “negatives” I’ve put a slightly more positive spin on it.

These notes can literally be anything that you feel you did well, or not so well this year. Examples could include scoring records, process goals, confidence, preparation, practice, swing thoughts, putting, chipping, bunkers, irons, woods, driver, game management, hydration, tournament wins, etc…

Try to be as realistic as you can and be really honest with yourself. You could ask your playing partners for ideas to see what they think of your game and then compare notes.

My Review and Goals

Here is my review for 2022 and my goals for 2023. Take from it what you want and let me know what you think. I would like to see your review and goals so scribble them down and bring them in. If I teach you in roll-up classes you can show me then, if you have individual lessons we can have a chat about them next time I see you.

If you ever want to chat about your golf or anything else on your mind i’m here. You can email me, text me, call me, or just have a chat in the shop. I would love to help you achieve your goals next year, the following year, and the year after that!


Write down your season review and goals for next year. If you have a goal, you have something to work through in the cold, dark winter months. Try to make your goals challenging but realistic. Be honest with yourself and work hard on your game in the coming months ready for next season.

If you would like to book a lesson CLICK HERE NOW.

See you soon!
