Josh’s Tips & Tricks: Low Point Control Chipping

Golf | 15 November, 2022


Hello golfers, welcome to this weeks tips & tricks. This week I would like to share a practice feeling that could save you shots in the winter months with chipping. Practicing this through the winter when the ground conditions are poor will mean that it’s much easier to play and score when the summer finally arrives again. We are going to look at how to control the low point of the golf club’s are when we chip because this is going to be really important for the strike.

The Low Point

The golf swing works on a circle. The golf club lifts and moves around the body into the backswing. It then comes back down and around to the ball. Reaches it’s low point, and then continues up and around the body until completion. Understanding and moving the low point of the swing arc is vital when it comes to good ball striking and control. We are now going to look at how you can control the low point when it comes to chipping.

One Leg Chipping

Take a look at the following video to see how one leg chipping could help you control your low point.

When you balance on your lead leg it prevents you from swaying with the upper and lower body. If you struggle with swaying the upper body during the swing this will help. If you slide your knees during the golf swing this will help. Also, if you fat or thin chip shots this will help.

Try to turn your chest keeping the head centered. allow the clubhead to freely swing and make sure to accelerate through the back of the ball without snatching at it. Rhythm is important here. If you lose your rhythm it will be really hard to keep balance.

Ideally, we want the low point of the swing arc to be under the golf ball. We don’t want the club to be digging too much or the leading edge of the club will get stuck in the grass. We also don’t want to try and scoop the ball in the air because the leading edge will get to the ball first, sending it through the back of the green.

Try to imagine the low point of the swing arc stays under the ball for a good few inches, just brushing the bottom of the grass. If you have selected the correct club the ball should pop up into the air, have one or two bounces, then gently release towards the hole.


Practice chipping and pitching from one leg. Doing this will help you rotate around your shoulders without any swaying. This will keep the low point of the arc more consistent. This should lead to better striking and better control around the greens.

If you struggle with your chipping, especially in the winter months, come and find me. We can do some work on the short game area or from the grass out on the driving range.


See you soon!

