Are you Rocking the Roll Up?

Golf | 12 March, 2025

Group Coaching with a Difference

At Windmill, our goal is simple: to help you improve your golf game. This includes:

  • Enhancing technical skills
  • Understanding your swing to self-correct
  • Mastering course management to reduce hole scores
  • Developing confidence
  • Committing to the process

Joining a Roll Up is an excellent way to work on all of these areas for the price of a bucket of balls!

Each week, the ‘Theme of the Week’ helps you understand key aspects of the game, from swing sequencing to managing uneven lies. With the new Trackman Range, we can cover topics like yardage gapping and virtual courses around the world. This means the possibilities are endless!

Roll Ups also offer a chance to meet others who share your passion for golf, and the post-session social is a great time to unwind.

Even if you take individual lessons, Roll Ups provide a helpful check-in to stay on track. They’re a more relaxed way to practice and engage with others.

With Roll Up sessions every weekday, choose one that fits your schedule and bring some colour to your practice—all for the cost of 100 balls.

Your game will thank you for it!

Happy Golfing!

Josh & Pete

Your friendly PGA Golf Professionals