Pete’s Pointers

Uncategorised | 28 February, 2025

Sloping Lies – Tips for Better Control

Sloping lies on the golf course can be tricky and intimidating, but they are a natural part of the game. Whether the ball is above or below your feet, these lies require subtle adjustments to your setup, stance, and swing to maintain control and make solid contact. Here’s a guide to help you navigate sloping lies and improve your game when the ground isn’t level.

Uphill Lie

1. Uphill Lie

The slope will put extra loft on the club and encourage a high draw. Here’s how to adjust:

– Club Selection: The slope can make the ball fly higher and with less distance. Consider using one club more to compensate for the change in trajectory.

– Alignment: Aim slightly to the right of your target (for a right-handed golfer) as the slope will tend to draw the ball.

– Stance: Widen your stance slightly for added balance, and keep your spine at right angles to the slope.

– Swing: Focus on making as normal a swing as possible. The slope will push your weight back down the hill, so don’t worry about falling backwards during the follow through. 

2. Downhill Lie

Downhill Lie

When the slope takes loft off the club due to the downhill lie, you’re more likely to hit a low fade, and it can feel awkward to maintain balance. Here’s how to handle it:

– Club Selection: The ball will tend to fly lower with less carry, so consider using one club less to ensure you reach your target.

– Alignment: Aim slightly to the left (for a right-handed golfer) to counteract the natural fade or slice that tends to occur.

– Stance: Normal as possible, with spine at right angles to the slope, meaning there will be more weight on the downhill foot. Ball position 3-4cm back will help to maintain a good strike.

– Swing: Try to keep your swing more upright to avoid catching the ground too early. Focus on making a smooth, controlled follow-through to maintain balance throughout the shot, but it’s likely you will step down the hill at the end. 

3. Ball Above Your Feet Lie

Ball Above Feet

The slope will naturally encourage a pull draw, and more of a pull with the shorter clubs.

– Club selection: No adjustment required

– Alignment: Aim slightly to the right to counteract the pull and draw effect.

– Stance: Grip 2-3cm down (or more depending on slope severity) from the butt end, to maintain balance, as the ball will be closer to you.

– Swing: The weight of the clubhead will encourage a toe strike, so aim to hit a little towards the heel, in balance.

Ball Below Feet

4. Ball Below Your Feet: 

This tricky lie will encourage you to fade the ball right, but only a little, as a combination of the heel catching the ground first along with the restricted leg movement will encourage the face to square up.

– Club selection: No adjustment required

– Alignment: Aim approx. 3yds left (over 100yds) to counteract the fade effect

– Stance/Posture: Use a combination of extra tilt from the spine and more bent knees to get to the bottom of the ball (without gripping off the end of the club).

– Swing: Focus on maintaining knee bend and balance, as swing will be more upright.

Fun Quiz

I hit the four different shots off the slope, and the data from Trackman is detailed here. From the top, they are A, B, C and D. Can you guess which lie was created for each shot? Answers below.

Upgrading Your Game

Sloping lies are a challenge, but with the right adjustments, you can handle them effectively. The key is to maintain balance, adjust your set up, and make small tweaks to your swing and club selection. With practice, you’ll learn how to make the most of these tricky situations and keep your game on track, no matter the lie.

Like any other aspect of the game, practising on uneven lies will help you feel more comfortable. Set up different scenarios on the range to get used to these shots. Here at Windmill, you’re welcome to use the sloping mat (as your own risk!) to practice these shots and improve your confidence.

Have you faced sloping lies often? Which one do you find trickiest to handle? Let me know, and I can offer more tailored tips! Book a lesson here.

Happy Golfing!


Pete Langford PGA

Fun Quiz Answers: A-Ball below feet, B-Downhill, C-Ball above feet, D-Uphill